Tag Archives: Volvo

Volvo “Alla våra bilar är elektriska från 2019

Volvo cars press conference announcing all cars will be electric from 2019

Volvo Announces ‘Historic End’ to Combustion Engine, All Cars Going Electric

Volvo Cars announced Wednesday that every car it launches from 2019 will have an electricmotor, marking a “historic end” to the internal combustion engine.  Volvo said it will launch five fully electric cars between 2019 and 2021. The rest of its fleet will comprise of plug-in hybrid cars and mild hybrid cars. The goal is to sell 1 million electric cars by 2025.

“This is a clear commitment towards reducing our carbon footprint as well as contributing to better air quality in our cities,” Håkan Samuelsson, president and chief executive, said. He then stated goals of selling 1 million electrified cars by 2025.

CEO Håkan Samuelsson presents Volvo electric cars

Volvo cars will have three levels of electrification.

  1. a mild hybrid with break energy  which will increase efficiency.
  2. a plug in hybrid with a twin engine system
  3. a full electric car with no combustion engine

Level 1 and 2 will be available for all Volvo cars. Level 3 will have two models in Polestar brand and three will have the Volvo brand.

Diesel engines will still have a future but they it will become more expensive to fulfil the environmental demands. Probably will a gasoline engine be in favours in combination with an electric motor the company answered at the press conference.

The company will still produce older Volvos with pure combustion engines after 2019 as long as customer want them, but the latest model with only a combustion engine will be 2018. from 2019 all modell will at least partly be electrified.

“We have in some way changed our minds” Håkan Samuelsson said at the press briefing. It is clear that customer wants electric cars and the development of batteries is moving fast.

“This is about the customer,” Samuelsson said.

“People increasingly demand electrified cars and we want to respond to our customers’ current and future needs.”

Volvo car loading electric fuel

The automaker is based in Sweden and have global presence and manufacturing in Sweden, Europe, China and USA. After a period as a Ford subsidiary it is now owned by China’s Geely Automobile Holdings.

Last year, the company had record sales of 534,332 cars in 100 countries, up more than 6 percent from 2015.

Volvo shares were up 1.4 percent at 146.7 kronor in midday trading Wednesday in Stockholm.

@This article is 2017-07-05 republished by www.novator.se  originally published by conbio.info 2017-07-05 and based on information in a press briefing and has been edited by Lennart Ljungblom.  conbio.info is focusing on news that may have an impact on bioenergy business and also bioenergy news with impact on society and other relevant areas, on line since 2013.

Volvo cars ägare Geely inviger elbilsfabrik för London Taxi

Geely inviger eltaxibils fabrik i Coventry

Huvudägaren av Volvo Cars som också äger London Taxi Company (LTC) invigde den 22 mars den nya fabriken och utvecklimgnscentret i Ansty nära  Coventry. Med en  kapacitet på 20 000 fordon per år också siktar man också på exportmarknaden. Anläggningen kommer skapa 1000 nya jobb varav 300 med för ingenjörer. Utvecklingssamarbete sker också med Svenska Volvo.

Engelska regeringen erbjuder nu också Londons taxichaufförer ett bidrag för inköp av den nya eldrivna taxibilen. Ministern för Business, energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Greg Clark offentliggjorde samtidigt  bidragsprogrammet som på 50 miljoner pund som erbjuder taxiägarna upp till 7500 pund till inköp av en ny elektrisk taxibil. Samtidigt berättade han om ett program omfattande 14 miljoner pund för laddstolpar i 10 kommuner.

– Idag återföds London Taxi company sa Chris Gubbey, vd för LTC. Vi har visionen att designa och bygga kommersiella bilar för urbana miljöer som kan köras utan emissioner i städer över hela världen och som dessutom minskar kostnaderna för chaufförerna.

Bolagets TX5 hybrid blir den första modellen. Den klara 70 miles på el och har en bensinmotor för backup.  Slut pris är ännu inte satt men kommer hamna i nivå med priset för den tidigare fossilbänsledrivna  modellen, omkring 45 000 pund.


Den nya eltaxin kommer också långtidstestas i kallt klimat
Den nya eltaxin kommer också långtidstestas i kallt klimat

novator.se/2017-03-23/Lennart Ljungblom

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